

20090327 五/晴

是日繼續Day Off,與朋友在Dublin 2的一家Cafe進食午餐。Dublin的Cafe和Bar尤其多,較有格調的Cafe主要集中於Dublin 2。走在街上,各店都在門前擺放三數張小木桌,讓客人可以在陽光之下享受Tea and Coffee。看慣了歐式Cafe,感覺很喜歡,相比較下,香港的Cafe似乎有點俗套。Cafe應該是城市中的一片靜土,提供一個舒適的環境,讓人們悠閒地喝杯茶,看看報紙;Cafe不應該是娛樂場所,以Board Games甚至TV Games招徠客人。雖然如此,我對於那些樓上Cafe沒有半點厭惡的感覺,也許,香港化的Cafe才能迎合香港人的口味吧。


O'Connell Street又有遊行示威


  1. hello 啊鵬,我叫SANDRA, 我哥哥一家在愛爾蘭,因為有葡萄牙籍,故不用簽證.我哥叫我去愛爾蘭,但我怕泠和要自己租屋好貴的,所以未打算去.我看了雜誌,所以聯絡你,你們是否很泠呢?那兒的食品飲品太貴了,如一日八個鐘做足六日,一個月都只是一萬九左右,扣回租金和生活費,稅收,不多了.你們是那國家或城市往愛爾蘭的?我想亞洲人去那裡,那些商家只給最低工資,如我去我想我要中級的工資才會做.

  2. hi sandra,

    it is cold in winter, just 0 degree or below. you will need some thick warm clothes. for renting a bed, it depends on your need. if you share a house or room with others, it is rather cheap, around 300-400 per month. if you want to own an apartment, it costs more than 1000 for a small one.

    for food, it can be very cheap. if you dont mind cooking by yourself or eating lower quality food, you can save a lot of euro from there.

    jobs here usually require you to work 5 days a week or 40 hours per week only. in my job, i can save 900euro after reducing all the expenses.

    daily accessories is cheap. other things is around 2 to 3 times more expensive than hong kong.

    in dublin, the commercial area is in Dublin2.

    it is good for you to come to ireland, coz your bro. can gives you many advices and the most important thing is, you dont need a visa here, it is easier for you to get a permanent job.

    sorry to use english to reply as i am travelling outside ireland.



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